Stretta – Non Surgical Procedure For Acid Reflux

NONSURGICAL TREATMENT For Chronic GERD/ heartburn in Dubai

Resolves Reflux, Reduces or Eliminates Medicines & Avoids Invasive Surgery.

Stretta therapy is an outpatient procedure performed in approximately 60 minutes, allowing patients to return to normal activities the following day (quick recovery)

When symptoms of GERD persist despite medications, normally to date usual treatment offered is by surgery (fundoplication normally or Gastric bypass in morbidly obese patients) but now this is a non-surgical procedure for acid reflux.

Stretta is a unique and minimally invasive, or almost non-surgical procedure for acid reflux (GERD) that fills the gap when medications are ineffective and before invasive surgery or implants. In clinical trials evaluating the Stretta procedure, up to 93% of patients were satisfied with the outcome of their Stretta Therapy and up to 86% of patients remained off daily GERD medications four years after their Stretta procedure*.

If you are a patient with GERD who has failed or is intolerant of drug therapy and don’t wish to proceed with more invasive surgical treatments, ask your doctor if Stretta Therapy is right for you.

A Patient’s Guide to Stretta Therapy and Chronic GERD What Is Stretta Procedure:

A minimally invasive procedure for acid reflux that significantly reduces GERD symptoms, allowing a majority of patients to eliminate or significantly decrease the use of PPIs. Stretta is an excellent option for patients that have failed or are intolerant of drug therapy, offering an alternative to invasive surgery or implants. The Stretta system delivers radiofrequency energy to the lower oesophagal sphincter muscle (near where the stomach meets the oesophagus) which remodels the tissue, resulting in improved barrier function and fewer random relaxations that cause GERD symptoms.

Features Of A Stretta System

Stretta System Working

How Stretta Works:

What can patients expect in terms of improvements in GERD symptoms?

Every patient is different in their response to Stretta Therapy. Some patients see improvement more quickly than others, and studies show the symptoms may continually improve for six months or longer. Patients are advised to continue their previous anti-secretory regimen for two months after Stretta, and follow a modified diet of full liquids for 24 hours and a soft diet for two weeks.

Do patients experience pain after Stretta Therapy?

Patients may experience pain immediately after Stretta Therapy, which in most cases can be managed with OTC analgesia (liquid acetaminophen), or, in severe cases, prescription pain medication. The patient should crush all medications or use liquid medications for at least one month after treatment. The patient should refrain from using NSAIDS for two weeks after the Stretta procedure, and avoid any instrumentation of the oesophagus for at least one month.

Why Choose Dr. Girish Juneja for this Stretta – Non Surgical Procedure For Acid Reflux

Dr. Girish Juneja is the most experienced laparoscopic surgeon in Dubai. If you need laparoscopic surgical procedures for hernia, Gall stones, hiatus hernia surgery besides laparoscopic bariatric surgery, he is the best laparoscopic surgeon in Dubai with proven local results & has 30 yrs of surgical experience. He had his Basic & Advanced Laparoscopy Training from Ninewells Medical College, Dundee Scotland, U.K. (2002) & University Diploma (MIS) Minimal Access Surgery, Strasbourg, France (Nov.2005)

Do You Have Chronic GERD/ Heartburn?

What Your Doctor Needs to Know:

1) How many days a week are you still experiencing GERD symptoms?

2) How severe are your symptoms? (1 = mild, 5 = moderate, 10 = severe)

3) What time of day do you typically experience GERD symptoms?

4) What over-the-counter or prescription medications do you take and at what dosage?

5) How does this persistence in GERD symptoms affect your quality of life? (1=mildly, 5=moderately, 10=severely)

Ask Your Doctor About Options.

1) Is it normal to still be experiencing my symptoms while taking this medication?

2) Will my GERD get better or worse with time? Are there complications that may develop?

3) I’ve heard there is some concern over adverse effects with long-term use of Proton Pump Inhibitor medications. What are the risks involved? Am I at risk?

4) What other treatments are available for GERD? What are the advantages and disadvantages of these treatments compared to my current treatment plan?

Is Stretta Therapy an option for me?

This non-surgical procedure for acid reflux / HEARTBURN (using infrared) procedure is without surgery and is available for most people who are young enough. 

What is the Stretta Therapy cost in Dubai?

**Insurance companies usually cover this procedure

Otherwise, the cost will vary from Cost 32000 – 40,000/-AED as per patient

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